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Ad Net Zero – IAB Ireland Member Briefing

July 21, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 10:45 am

IAB Ireland is very pleased to join IAPI (Institute of Advertising Practitioners in Ireland), AAI (Advertising Association of Ireland), MII (The Marketing Institute of Ireland, CPI (Commercial Producers of Ireland) to launch Ad Net Zero for the Irish market.  Ad Net Zero, the industry-wide initiative to help advertising respond to the climate crisis caused by CO2 emissions, was launched in the UK in 2020 and is led in the UK by the Advertising Association, IPA and ISBA.

Ad Net Zero in Ireland will be the first full collaboration in Ireland across the advertising, marketing, media and production sector with a collective vision to address climate change and reduce carbon emissions across the industry.

IAB Ireland is hosting this Member Briefing on Thursday 21st July from 10 to 10.45 am, to share the background of Ad Net Zero, the 5 Action Framework and the certification process.

Elizabeth Sheehan, Independent Marketing & Sustainability specialist, who is leading on this project, will present and answer any questions from members.

The 45 minute webinar is free to join – please register here.   And please do pass this among your colleagues.


July 21, 2022
10:00 am - 10:45 am


Maeve O’Meara
+353 86 8522291
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Dublin, Ireland
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