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IAB Europe and EIAA merge


IAB Europe and EIAA merge to form single, EMPOWERED European interactive advertising trade ASSOCIATION

New organisation combines expertise in research and regulatory affairs to tackle challenges facing the industry in 2011 and beyond

18 May 2011: In an historic move, trade bodies the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA) and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB Europe) announced today that they have joined forces to form a single European trade association to better represent and support the online advertising sector across the region. The merger became effective on 16th May 2011.

The merger will unite the corporate and country members of the two organisations, bringing

membership to over 41 corporate members and 27 national IABs, and representing stakeholders from across the online advertising economy including major media groups, advertisers, agencies, portals, technology and service providers.

Under the leadership of President and CEO Alain Heureux, IAB Europe’s mission is to promote, protect and prove the value of the European digital advertising industry.

Executive Director of the EIAA, Alison Fennah, will assume the role of Vice President for Research and Marketing, responsible for expanding the IAB Europe research and marketing programmes. Under the agreement IAB Europe will be able to develop its research portfolio further including EIAA projects such as Mediascope Europe and Marketers’ Internet Ad Barometer, two research projects that the online advertising industry has come to rely upon for invaluable insight into the sector. With IAB Europe’s existing AdEx advertising spend report and MCDC usage and attitudes study, the trade body will provide the data and insight so vital to informing and guiding the growth of this dynamic and economically significant sector.

Much of the energy of the organisation is already focused onprotecting the industry through an active and informed public affairs programme to educate lawmakers and interest groups. With the added weight of the EIAA membership, IAB Europe will broaden its influence and representation of the entire online advertising value chain. This activity will continue to be led by Kimon Zorbas, Vice President, Public Affairs.

Guy Phillipson, Chairman of IAB Europe, said: “IAB Europe and the EIAA have always had the same vision, namely to grow the share of online ad spend and improve marketers’ knowledge of the benefits of online as an advertising medium. By combining the membership, research and expertise of the two trade bodies we can bring renewed energy and focus to support and protect the interactive advertising industry. Now that the industry has taken the initiative on self-regulation before the European Commission, it is vital that we have one committed and empowered organisation as the voice of over 5,500 member companies right across the region.”

Alison Fennah, Executive Director of the EIAA, commented: “Supported by all the major captains of the digital industry across Europe, the merger of EIAA and IAB Europe will provide the critical resources and insight to support the acceleration of the interactive advertising market. Its collective vision and experience will allow us to build upon the industry’s strong foundations and help companies and markets to grow their business.”

Laurent Delaporte, Vice President of Microsoft Advertising, EMEA said: “We at Microsoft Advertising fully endorse the merger of EIAA with IAB Europe, uniting the leading agencies, media owners, research companies, and over 20 national IABs around Europe. By combining the public affairs and research activities across the region under a single organisation, we are strengthening the value of the digital and interactive marketing industry in Europe into one strategic vision.“


For further information, please contact IAB Europe:  pressrelations@iabeurope.eu

Lucy Green, Press Officer T: +44 7817698366 (English)

Geraldine Gitel T: + 44 (0) 7917 885380 (English, French)

About EIAA: 

The European Interactive Advertising Association (www.eiaa.net) represents the leading European interactive media companies across Europe. The primary objectives of the EIAA are to champion and to improve the understanding of the value of online advertising as a medium, to grow the European interactive advertising market by proving its effectiveness, thus increasing its share of total advertising investment. Since its founding in 2002 the EIAA has invested substantially in pan-European multimedia research, marketing, standardisation activities and education, of both the market and government, on the role of interactive advertising. This wide-ranging programme, the senior industry representatives on our board and the committed teams of experts in our working groups all contribute towards the EIAA’s deep insight into consumers and markets across Europe and an influential position in the European media community. EIAA members are Adconion Media Group, AOL Advertising Europe, BBC.com, Disney, eBay International Advertising, Hi-media Group, LinkedIn, Microsoft Advertising, MTV Networks International, Orange Advertising Network, smartclip, Specific Media, Vodafone and Yahoo! Europe.

About IAB Europe:

IAB Europe is a federation of national Interactive Advertising Bureaux (IAB) across Europe. Its mission is to promote the growth of the interactive advertising markets on behalf of its clients and national members. Supported by every major media group, advertisers, agency, portal, technology and service provider, its voice represents the interest of more than 5000 company members. IAB Europe coordinates activities across the region including public affairs, benchmarking, research, setting standards and best practices. The member countries are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and the UK. Our corporate members include Adconion, Adobe, ADTECH, Alcatel-Lucent, AudienceScience, BBC, CNN, comScore Europe, CPX Interactive, Criteo, Ernst & Young, Expedia Inc, Fox Interactive Media, Gemius, Goldbach Media Group, Google, GroupM, Hi-media, InSites Consulting, Koan, Microsoft Europe, Millward Brown, Netlog, News Corporation, nugg.ad, Nielsen Online, Orange Advertising Network, Prisa, Publicitas Europe, Sanoma Digital, Selligent, Tradedoubler, Truvo, United Internet Media, ValueClick, White&Case, Yahoo! and zanox.  www.iabeurope.eu


Taoiseach Enda Kenny launches national programme to get Irish Business online


Dublin, Monday May 9th, 2011: An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, T.D. today launched a national campaign to get Irish businesses online and make the most of the economic opportunity of the Internet.

Getting Irish Business Online (www.gettingbusinessonline.ie) is a partnership between Google, Blacknight Internet Solutions, An Post and the County & City Enterprise Boards and is targeting the 40% of Irish SMEs including sole traders that do not have a website or an online presence.  The campaign is calling on all businesses that do not have a website to log on to http://www.gettingbusinessonline.ie where they can create their business website for free.

The launch of the campaign was also attended by the Minister for Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation Richard Bruton T.D.  and Minister of State for Small Business, John Perry T.D.

Speaking at the launch An Taoiseach Enda Kenny T.D., said, “Irish businesses need to be establishing themselves on-line now to get a foothold in the on-line market. In the challenging economic times that we are working to overcome, having an on-line presence would help Irish businesses survive and keep people in jobs. For most businesses, having a presence online is no longer an optional extra: it’s an essential part of business in the twenty-first century.

The presence of Google and other technology companies here forming a digital services hub is a very real asset to the Irish economy. This new innovation will help get more Irish small business online – so they can sell their goods and services from Ballina to Beijing.”

Google research shows that almost 60% of Irish commercial SMEs do not have an entry in an online directory and that 40% do not have a website. This is despite the millions of euros being spent by Irish consumers shopping online every year. Over 75% of Irish customers use the Internet as their primary tool for researching new companies and products, and 68% believe that search engines help to find relevant sellers of products.   But, with only 21% of Irish businesses e-commerce enabled, Ireland is effectively losing revenues to  UK and US online businesses.

Google’s research also found that common barriers to setting up online are a lack of skills, perceived high costs and time restrictions. Many businesses surveyed think that the average cost to set up a website is 1,000 euro whereas the campaign launched today will provide a website for free and it will be quick to set up and easy to use.  The campaign will also provide online training materials at http://www.gettingbusinessonline.ie and further training via seminars held by the County & City Enterprise Boards.

Ronan Harris, Director of Online Sales, Google said:  “There is a huge opportunity for Irish businesses which they are failing to grasp.  An online presence gives the potential to increase sales and revenues not just locally but internationally and helps to build stronger, more sustainable businesses that will ultimately benefit local, regional and the national economies.

Irish consumers spend almost 20 hours per week online and with millions of people in Ireland shopping online there is a significant marketplace for Irish SMEs to exploit.  At the moment a large part of that spend is going overseas and we need to accelerate the number of Irish businesses online. Today we are hopefully seeing the start of a national movement which will gather momentum and bring every sole trader, micro enterprise and  SME online.”

The Getting Irish Business Online campaign will support businesses and sole traders to build a free website  in under 30 minutes which is the first step to building an online business. Blacknight Solutions will provide participants with a free website, and hosting with a .ie, eu or .com domain name which is free for one year from the set-up of their website. Google will also provide a trial of online advertising with a coupon worth €100. The County & City Enterprise Boards will run nationwide seminars giving registered businesses additional support in setting up a website and learning how to attract new custom online.

An Post is supporting integration of a postage calculator into a full e-commerce solution, launching June 1st and it will provide promotional offers, support and advice to businesses who sell online and have developed their website through Getting Irish Business Online.

Businesses interested in getting a website set up should go to the Getting Irish Business Online campaign website http://www.gettingbusinessonline.ie  to set up their website with a straightforward step by step process. Once established their web address can be found using Google’s search engine and they can also learn how to further enhance their business website to attract new customers online.

Liam Walsh of AAC Services, one of the first companies to set up his business online via the Getting Irish Business Online tool said, “I always thought it would be too expensive and time consuming to set up a website so I couldn’t believe how quick and easy it was to set up.  Having an online presence means that if someone searches for plumbing or heating services my business can now be found online which is great.”


Editors Notes, Getting Irish Business Online partners’ comments

Blacknight Internet Solutions, An Post and the County & City Enterprise Boards have partnered with Google to support getting Irish business on line.

An Post (www.anpost.ie)

Donal Connell, CEO, An Post said, “An Post has a unique position at the heart of Irish business and Irish society and we’re pleased to bring our logistics, online fulfilment and marketing know-how to this positive, practical initiative. Getting Irish Business Online supports An Post’s strategy of working with the Irish SME sector in developing their commercial capabilities.  By working together, we will play a full and active part in the national recovery programme.”

Blacknight Solutions (www.blacknight.com)

Michele Neylon, Managing Director, Blacknight Solutions said: “We have helped thousands of Irish businesses to set up online and we are confident that the tool we have created for this campaign will be easy to use. We know all the pitfalls, what is best practice and how beneficial being online can be for businesses, so we hope that thousands of Irish businesses will take advantage of this fantastic free offer.”

County & City Enterprise Boards  (www.enterpriseboards.ie)

Sean Ryan , CEO, County & City Enterprise Boards said, “The County & City Enterprise Boards are strongly focused on building capacity in Ireland’s micro enterprises. 74% of Irish companies surveyed by Google believe that training seminars will be helpful to them so through a series of nationwide seminars the County & City Enterprise Boards will help Irish SMEs and sole traders to learn how to harness the online environment. We are delighted to use our knowledge of Ireland’s SMEs to help get Irish Businesses online.”

For further information visit http://www.gettingbusinessonline.ie

Press Information please contact:

Laurie Mannix, Google Press Office 086 – 8143710  or  Celine Crawford, Google Press Office 086 – 8235777

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Irish Independent – Click Here

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