Sustainability Resources


Recognising the extremely serious climate crisis and the need for our industry to take action, IAB Ireland is committed to sharing guidance and support to our members on their sustainability journeys.

IAB Ireland is a signature to the IAB Europe Common Commitment Agreement on Sustainability signed by 20 National IABs and Federations across Europe. The Commitment demonstrates the need and wants from National Federations for a collaborative and consistent approach to the measurement methodology of digital advertising carbon emissions. This includes the regulatory and policy taxonomy, and the mapping and standardisation of best practices for the delivery of ads across the digital supply chain.

IAB Ireland is an active member of Ad Net Zero Ireland (ANZ) and shares the good work of IAB Ireland members from across the Irish digital ecosystem on Sustainability through its conferences and outputs. 

You will find below the latest resources from our IAB network to inform and guide our members in developing (more) sustainable digital advertising.

IAB TechLab (June 2023) The Sustainability Playbook: Starter Guide for a Sustainable Programmatic Marketplace here

IAB Europe has launched a New Guide to Improving Sustainable Business Decision-Making (July 2023) Download here

Sustainability – 4 work tracks:

1. Definitions & Business Guidance

2. Policy & Reputation

3. Methodology & Framework 

4. Knowledge Sharing

IAB France – SRI/Alliance Digitale – Framework for calculating the carbon footprint of Digital Campaigns (May 2023)  here

IAB France – Guide to Eco-Friendly Programmatic Media Buying here

GARM Sustainability Action Guide to Reduce Media Greenhouse Gas Emissions (June 2023) here