IAB Ireland Bespoke Digital Training
In the ever fast-moving world of Digital Advertising, training and ongoing learning is crucial to success.
At IAB Ireland, we tailor our training to fit with your brief and your organisation’s needs and source suitably experienced trainers with relevant international experience. This bespoke training model has proven extremely cost effective and productive for companies such as: Google, Associated News, The Irish Times, TV3, Core Media, Group M, eircom, and Ryanair. Whether for a specific organisational team or for the entire company (optimal group size 10-16), we can tailor a programme to fit with your needs and the level of experience of your team members. From digital beginners to the more experienced, our training options include a combination of full day, half day, stand-alone workshops, workshop series and Seminars. All of thesewill reflect your industry & organisation’s unique challenges.
A flavour of the topics that might be covered in a team digital session are:
Digital Advertising Sales (Foundation & Practitioner level) – transitioning your team from traditional ad sales to effective Digital ad sales – to include: Digital Display Advertising – ad units, formats and creative elements; An introduction to ad-serving – placement and targeting techniques; client-side objectives, managing ad delivery and ad response; Campaign planning, engagement, metrics and optimization
Social Media – the key platforms, how to create an effective social strategy, metrics etc; Digital disruption and the role of social media; Social media as mainstream media – research and trends; Owned, Paid and Earned media channels; Audiences and the importance of communication layers
Mobile Developing a mobile first strategy – tipping points, commercial impact of device shifts by audiences; maximising the mobile experience, location based marketing, apps, metrics; Mobile advertising – the use of display, search and classified in the mobile space via the browser and app, buying points, networks and exchanges; Mobile commerce – driving customers to a mobile point of sale, mobile sales promotion
The next step is to contact us to discuss what you want to achieve from the training, the number of people to be trained and timescales. We can work together to scope out a specific training programme to meet your needs.
Please contact Maeve O’Meara to discuss further maeve@iabireland.ie or 086 8522291