Charter on Digital Advertising Best Practice (Draft for IAB Ireland Member Consultation)


Charter on Digital Advertising Best Practice

Draft for IAB Ireland Member Consultation Process


The advertising-supported internet has allowed consumers to benefit from free or low cost access to quality content made available to them online,

Advertising has historically played an important role in supporting free and independent media, which are critical to a functioning democracy,

If it is to be sustainable, digital advertising must enjoy consumers’ trust and demonstrate respect for user rights at all times,

Advertising practices that undermine the quality and efficiency of the user experience compromise the value exchange of the advertising-supported internet,

The signatories of this Charter commit themselves to assuring respect for, and promotion of, the Charter principles, the LEAN principles, and the DEAL between publisher and consumer, with the goal of improving the consumer experience online.

They invite their business partners, clients, and association members to sign the Charter and adhere to technical specifications and standards that faithfully reflect and align to these principles. They invite consumers and other stakeholders to engage with them in an ongoing dialogue.

I. Charter Principles

Users have the right to fair, relevant, and non-invasive advertising.

At a minimum, this means that the signatories will:

  • Minimize ad file sizes and data calls to reduce page load times
  • Refrain from using ad formats which overtly disrupt the user experience such as:o Overlays and pop-ups which obscure content
  • Ads which automatically launch sound, if inconsistent with user expectations
  • Frequency cap their ads to minimize user annoyance
  • Serve ads and related third party resources securely using HTTPS/SSL
  • Enroll in the Ad Choices programme to facilitate consumer control over behavioural targeting
  • Establish a conversation with the consumer consistent with DEAL

II. LEAN Principles

Digital advertising provided by the signatories of this Charter should conform to the LEAN principles defined by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Technology Laboratory

  • Light. Limited file size with strict data call guidelines.
  • Encrypted. Assure user privacy with ads delivered over HTTPS. Protect server-to-server communication.
  • Ad Choice Supported. All ads should support DAA’s consumer privacy programs.
  • Non-invasive/Non-disruptive. Ads that supplement the user experience and don’t disrupt it. This includes covering content and sound enabled by default.
  • Standards giving effect to these principles are under development and ongoing review, and may be consulted at any time here: IAB Tech Lab Solutions Web Site.


The signatories of this Charter should engage consumers regarding ad blocking and other technical concerns using the tactics laid out in the DEAL paradigm released by the IAB Technology Laboratory.

  • Detect ad blocking, in order to initiate a conversation
  • Explain the value exchange that advertising enables
  • Ask for behaviors that facilitate an equitable exchange
  • Lift restrictions or Limit access in response to consumer choice


IV. Call to Action

IAB will launch a program to encourage the adoption and refinement of the principles and programs above. The signatories commit to take account of new and evolving practices in digital advertising.

We will publish an annual report outlining the progress recorded during the previous year.


Appendix 1: Signatories to the Charter

1. Media Owners and Publishers

2. Ad Tech Companies

3. Media and Creative Agencies

4. Advertisers