PR: EMEA Video Benchmarks Report 2016


VideoBenchmarkReport_imageBrands and advertisers worldwide are investing an increasing amount of their media budgets into digital channels and leveraging video’s ability to influence audiences with compelling storytelling through sight, sound and motion.

Videology have just released the EMEA Video Benchmarks 2016 report, which features the trends and developments within leading EMEA markets.

The 2016 EMEA Benchmarks Report provides brands and agencies with key insights into the complex world of converging TV and digital video. Whilst broadcast TV continued to command the lion’s share of media spend in all European markets, digital video investments were at an all-time high.

Digital video advertising in Ireland rose by a staggering 85% in H1 2016 compared to H1 2015 (H2 numbers haven’t been released prior to the publication of Videology’s EMEA Benchmarks, though we expect this trend to be consistent for the entirety of 2016).   This is even stronger growth than what the IAB/PwC reported in 2015 vs. 2014 (70 percent growth from €14.4 million in 2014 to €24.5 million in 2015).

Click here to download the full report