IAB Ireland Member Briefing on the DPC Cookie Report & Guidance May 2020 – link to presentations



To assist members in understanding the recent DPC Report and Guidance on Cookies and Tracking Technologies, and its application to their organisations use of cookies, IAB Ireland hosted a members’ briefing via Zoom at 4pm on Monday 25th May.

You can view the Report here and the Guidance here.

Our speakers and panellists were:

  • Deputy Commissioner, Tony Delaney, Head of Enforcement Activity, DPC
  • Matthias Matthiesen, Senior Privacy Counsel, Quantcast
  • Colin O’Malley, Founder, Lucid Privacy
  • Ines Fitzgerald, Privacy &  Security Legal Director, Verizon Media

Our expert panel discussed the implications of the DPC’s Cookie Report and Guidance on the use of cookies and other tracking technologies for our digital advertising industry, in particular given the DPC’s announced deadline of 6 months for compliance.

As this was a Member only briefing, the presentations and video of the webinar are password protected here.  If you are a member (or are unsure if your company is a member) and do not have the password to hand, please email maeve@iabireland.ie