IAB Native Advertising and Content Marketing White Paper


Today’s consumers are bombarded with receiving up to 5,000 advertising messages each day, meaning it is increasingly harder for Native_WhitePaperFINALadvertisers to get through to consumers. Combine this with the fact of the increasing use of ad blocking tools and the challenge becomes even more real, in fact some audiences have become entirely unreachable via advertising. These contemporary challenges have meant that engaging formats and creativity have become key in online advertising.

IAB Europe has developed a white paper on Native Advertising and Content Marketing which aims to provide insight into how native advertising can build better advertising experiences for consumers and therefore more meaningful relationships. The paper provides guidance on key considerations for creating and distributing native advertising:

  • How native advertising enables meaningful consumer relationships
  • Native advertising format types
  • Key considerations for executing native advertising and content based advertising
  • The European landscape – how native advertising is developing across the different European markets

Consumers ares seeking stories and inspiring content rather than simple advertising messages; they appreciate and engage with advertisers that contribute to their knowledge or entertainment. Nothing could slot more seamlessly into this than native advertising, but it has to be in a way which does not contravene the value of user trust; it should only enhance the user experience.

In 2015 Netflix paid The Atlantic a six-figure sum for the creation of a native advertising campaign to promote the third season of ‘House of Cards’. The Atlantic used interactive charts and a video material that animated the story about the relationships between chosen U.S presidents and their wives, and is an excellent example of native advertising that consists both an engaging story and form that attracts the audience.

Revenue Collection Model

Native advertising and content-based advertising are great opportunities for publishers to generate additional revenues. There are two basic elements that are monetised – content production and content distribution.

The opportunities for developing and distributing content across the complex digital media landscape to target and reach an increasingly fragmented audience, are only just beginning to be understood. As all stakeholders develop their understanding of the role that content plays in digital advertising and how to create reliable revenue streams and business structures, the landscape will continue to shift.

Click here to download the paper to learn more about native and content marketing

You can also download the Native Guide Advertising Guide developed specifically for the Irish market by the IAB Ireland’s Native Council