IAB Postion Paper on ePrivacy Regulation


Data-driven advertising is the single largest revenue source for European digital media, making up more than 75 per cent of the online revenues for publisher’s journalistic content and more than 50 per cent of mobile application revenues.1 The importance of digital revenues is only increasing, as revenues from legacy print formats and app purchases are declining. The proposed ePrivacy Regulation (“ePR”) in its current form threatens to derail European digital media outlets by significantly undermining their ability to generate enough revenue to create and provide free online content and services. Click here to download IAB Europe’s Position Paper on ePrivacy Regulation

1 IHS TECHNOLOGY, Paving the way: how on line advertising enables the digital economy of the future, available at http://www.iabeurope.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/IAB_IHS_Euro_Ad_Macro_FINALpdf.pdf