In 2022, 6 in 8 adults in Ireland listen to digital audio in an average week


IAB Ireland’s Digital Audio Council commissioned Red C Research to conduct a fourth wave of Listen Up Ireland – a deep-dive into Digital Audio in Ireland.

The research, which has tracked Digital Audio since 2019, specifically looked at: the  Incidence & demographics of using Digital Audio, the channels used, time spent listening, devices used, reasons to engage with and attitudes towards Digital Audio.

The key findings are:

  • Digital audio consumption has grown vs 2021, with 77% of adults in Ireland consuming digital audio
  • The Demographic profile of digital audio users remains the same, with younger cohorts, those working full time and ABC1s over-indexing.
  • While frequency of consumption (daily/weekly/monthly) follows a similar pattern to the previous year, there is a welcome bounce back in the number of hours spent listening to digital audio (average weekly consumption 19.3hrs).
  • The growth is across all digital audio formats: on demand music, online radio and podcasts.
  • While smartphone continues to dominate as the most used device, compared to 2021, connected car & smart speakers overtake desktop/laptop.
  • Entertainment, relaxation and having an accompaniment to daily tasks are the top 3 reasons why digital audio users engage with the medium.

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